First let me apologise for neglecting the blog, now let's talk current affairs.
Sean Hoare is dead. The man who spoke publicly to the New York Times about the News of The World hacking phones and caused the scandal that has swallowed the British media like a particularly tasty looking prophet on a disastrous trip to the Sea Life centre, was found dead yesterday. According to the guardian website "The death is currently being treated as unexplained but not thought to be suspicious. Police investigations into this incident are ongoing."
I’m definitely not saying I think he was murdered by News International. I have no intention of libeling Rupert Murdoch, especially if he has assassins on his payroll, which I’m sure he doesn’t, probably. I am not an insane paranoid conspiracy theorist, like Mel Gibson in that movie
, but I don't I deny historical events, like Mel Gibson in real life. So I’m going to wait and see what the police investigation has to say.
How can the police say the death is “not thought to be suspicious”? A man dies suddenly after embarrassing one of the most powerful men in the world, causing him to shut down Britain's best selling Sunday "newspaper" and abandon his bid to take over BSkyB. Surely anyone who hears this story wonders is whether the Murdochs had him killed. How can the police not think it’s suspicious? Have they never watched movies or read thrillers or played Deus Ex
on their dad’s PC after school?
Again I’m not saying that the met should rush around to Murdoch towers and arrest the weather-beaten Antipodean supervillain, but how can anyone with an imagination not find Sean Hoare’s death suspicious? There could be a perfectly natural explanation for Hoare’s death, and I hope there is, but it seems suspicious in my ill-informed opinion and I hope Hoare’s death receives a full and rigorous investigation.